Saturday, July 13, 2013

muscle milk nutrition facts Muscle Milk Cake Batter / Nutrition Facts / Post Workout Shake News

Vegetarian Vegan Soy Protein Muscle no steroids no WAPF Grassfed Meat Bodybuilder
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Image by Vegetarian-Vegan-Bodybuilding-Info
The Largest Bodybuilder in the World is a Vegetarian.

Dalip Singh, known as the Great Khali is 7 feet 3 inches tall. And 435 pounds of muscle mass. This is larger than any Omnivore bodybuilder. Thus a vegetarian beat every other meat eater, including bigger than 7-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. Dorian Yates is pictured above, with Dalip Singh nest to him, and stating quote: "I felt like a small child next to him", about the massive vegetarian.

The reason is that plant-based muscle is of higher quality. Bodybuilders already know this, that's why if you go into any Body Building Nutrition store, virtually every protein supplement is vegetarian. Whey Protein (from milk) is vegetarian. Soy Protein and Soy Isolate protein is Vegan, and Egg Protein or albumin is ovo-vegetarian.

You do not find packets of chicken paste. You do not find jugs of fish protein powder. You don't find chocolate protein bars with little bits of bacon and beef in it. Why? Because meat is horrible for bodybuilding.

Plants have more protein than meat. Not many people know this. If you think plants don't have protein, and protein is only available in meat, where did the meat come from? A cow. Where did the cow get all that protein? From plants. This means all the protein you believed all this time came meat, actually came from plants. So meat eaters are essentially getting vegetarians and vagans' "sloppy seconds". Meat and Steak eaters meals already went in an animal's mouth first. Vegetarians are getting it from a more pure source, and do not have this problem.

Under-educated meat-eaters may erroneously scoff that plants are rabbit food. Well, that meat-eater probably couldn't even catch that rabbit since the rabbit is faster, that's why they call it a JackRabbit. However not only vegans but also everyone in the world could point out that if plants are rabbit food, meat is MAGGOT FOOD.

Try this experiment yourself, or, just in your mind, leave a piece of meat out in nature, within 15 minutes that thing will be found by botflies, landing on it, tasting it, walking all oer it, ingesting it, and laying fly eggs in the dead meat tissue. Steak is maggot-food, quite delicious to maggots. This is why the smell of meat and dead bodies are one of the most repulsive, disgusting odors known to humankind. There is no worse stink than rotted meat, humans can even remember the smell for weeks, indicating that humans since paleolithic times have never been genetically designed to eat raw meat like a carnivorous lion would eat a dead carcass. In addition, archaeologists unearthing our ancient ancestors such as Australopithecus africanus, and Australopithecus ramidus from as far back in human history as 4.5 million years, have now been confirmed to be vegetarian. That's correct. Humans originated as vegetarians. Unlike mere authors of Paleo Diet books, who are not actual paleontologists but sometimes only aerobics instructors without a science degree, the fact that hominids going back as far as 80 million years were vegetarian and did not eat meat, has now been confirmed by real Archaeologists and Paleontologists, including from the National Academy of Sciences. Sorry Paleos, the Paleolithic Caveman Diet has been debunked and exposed to be a scam made to look authentic using pseudo-science, in order to dupe less educated people into buying their diet books. Another example is that these crossfit paleo diet charlatains who had a good run told everyone that no hominids ate grain prior to 10,000 years ago---until real paleontologists found actual pieces of grain still embedded into the teeth of paleolithic men, 19,000 years ago, then 30-thousand years ago, then 105,000 years ago, and more. Sorry if you believed in Paleo and were duped. Get angry at the lowcarb and paleo diet book pushers, they are the ones who tried to pass off scientifically debunked information and took people's money, laughing at you all the way to their bank.

By the way, if you also believed the Atkins low-carb "diet" you should be aware that the guy who duped all of you with that one, Dr. Robert Atkins, is dead. He told everyone that eating loads of fat, bacon, and meat was great for your heart and sold it to people as a diet. Atkins died when he fell and hit his head, the medical examiner found signs of heart disease and a stroke. And his death certificate reveals he was fat. So much for bacon and meat and saturated fat and a deficiency in carbs being great for your heart...Atkins was apparently killed by his own diet, and died obese.

A vegetarian centenarian Christian Mortenson is also the longest recorded documented human to have ever lived. A vegetarian centenarian Fauja Singh, just set the first ever record for finishing a marathon in his age bracket, over 100+. No other 100 year old person in history ever was able to do this. He did it. And he is a vegetarian. So in addition to massive muscle, as a vegetarian you also enjoy long life and good athletic health.

The Biggest Most Massive Muscular Bodybuilder in the world is a Vegetarian. He is so massive that he dwarfs Olympia class bodybuilders.muscle milk nutrition facts

The most notorious health myths
We are bombarded with health tips every day, but some of those messages may be harmful if you don't get the facts straight. Dr. Jacob ... Instead of taking unnecessary calcium, Teitelbaum says to simply drink more milk and other natural sources of the ... muscle milk nutrition facts
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Muscle Milk Cake Batter / Nutrition Facts / Post Workout Shake

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