Monday, July 1, 2013

interactive thermometer Four-Hour Guru Tim Ferriss on the Path to Perfection: Meta-learning explored ... News

Four-Hour Guru Tim Ferriss on the Path to Perfection: Meta-learning explored ...
Tim Ferriss, author of The Four Hour Work Week and The Four Hour Body, spoke at the SXSW Interactive Conference on Saturday, sharing his approach for “Acquiring the Skills of Meta-Learning” through the lens of his new book The Four Hour Chef ... interactive thermometer
Read more on Austin Chronicle (blog)

Using a Digital Thermometer to Guide Your Decisions in Strawberry Frost and Freeze Events

Whether you rely on overhead sprinkler irrigation or floating row covers to protect your strawberries, you will find one instrument as indispensable as a goo...interactive thermometer

Disney Doc McStuffins Magic Check Up Center

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From the Manufacturer:
Play with and help Doc McStuffins bring her toys to life with her magical stethoscope in this Disney Doc McStuffins Clinic Playset. Place Lambie, Stuffy, and Chilly on the checkup table to magically hear them talk

interactive thermometer

See Features Disney Doc McStuffins Magic Check Up Center to avoid disappointment

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