Wednesday, July 31, 2013

diet and health news Diet tops disease risks for Canadians Hot

Diet tops disease risks for Canadians
Eating a poor quality diet is the leading risk factor for diseases and injuries that cause Canadians to die prematurely and become disabled, according to a new report. International researchers analyzed the country's rates of sickness and death from ... diet and health news

Which Diet is Best for You? Part One

For more info, visit: and health news

ABC News 20/20 Compete for Health

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ABC News gives two of America's greatest Olympic athletes two months to change two overweight families' lives. The families eat less and say hello to rock climbing and running. Did it work? Well, yes. The happy ending is heartwarming. Of course, it's harder to cheat on your exercise plan when millions of people are watching! What these families learned may help you.This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

diet and health news

See Features ABC News 20/20 Compete for Health to avoid disappointment

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