Monday, July 8, 2013

celebrities diseases Catholic Church gives its blessing to stem cell research in new book News

celebrities diseases

Image by Vivanista1
celebrities diseases

Catholic Church gives its blessing to stem cell research in new book
... 20 years, stem cell research has been thrust into the medical spotlight as celebrities like Michael J. Fox and Christopher Reeve have advocated for it. Also, numerous studies have shown stem cell therapies have successfully treated a plethora of ... celebrities diseases
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Why Celebrities Love Kangen Water® Secret to health and beauty? It is widely recognized in the medical profession that a healthy & clean colon is one of the most import...celebrities diseases
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When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine

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Steve McQueen had cancer and was keeping it secret. Then the media found out, and soon all of America knew. McQueen’s high profile changed forever the way the public perceived a dreaded disease. In When Illness Goes Public, Barron H. Lerner describes the evolution of celebrities' illnesses from private matters to stories of great public interest. Famous people who have become symbols of illness include Lou Gehrig, the first "celebrity patient"; Rita Hayworth, whose Alzheimer disease went undiagnosed for years; and Arthur Ashe, who courageously went public with his AIDS diagnosis before the media could reveal his secret. And then there are private citizens like Barney Clark, the first recipient of a permanent artificial heart, and Lorenzo

celebrities diseases

See Features When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine to avoid disappointment

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