Saturday, November 9, 2013

celebrity health issues Justin Bieber London Collapse May Signal Major Health Problems News

Paris Hilton
celebrity health issues

Image by ChrisWaldeck

Celebrities like Paris Hilton benefit from Sensationalism in the media in which they are essentially famous for being famous. The effect of the Media focusing on celebrities can cause people to see them as idols or just improtant people based off their exposure to the media needle exposing us to them.

Also, the effect of the hypodermic needle can have an effect on soft news versus hard news. By sensationalizing celebrities, we tend to focus on them instead of important issues such as war, health evolutions, new discoveries and current events that would qualify as "hard news." Sensationalizing celebrities can weaken the effect of news on an audience by creating an effect of a more pop culture.

Photo from: by Wikipedia Commons)

celebrity health issues

Justin Bieber London Collapse May Signal Major Health Problems
Justin Bieber's dizziness and breathing problems, which forced him to leave the stage during a concert in London, could be a symptom of any number of ailments, some of them serious like heart congestion, asthma and severe bronchitis, Or it could be ... celebrity health issues
Read more on Celebrity Health & Fitness

Celebrity Testimonials Wanted For Mental Health Publishers Celebrity testimonials wanted please so we can help more people. My name is Jason Pegler and I originally founded Chipmunkapublishing...celebrity health issues

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