Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nature Sounds Sound Oasis Nature Journey Sound Card Bestbuy

Sound Oasis Nature Journey Sound Card

Description :

Sound Oasis Nature Journey Sound Card. Your Sound Oasis NATURE JOURNEY sound card takes you to soothing and relaxing environment to help you sleep and relax easier. It incorporates 12 authentic digital recordings of nature recorded in the wild by the world's most foremost nature recorder. For use with the Sound Oasis Therapy System S-650-01. Product Features: Thunderstorm in the Wilderness -- Unwind to the exhilarating, but soothing sound of distant thunder as gentle rain falls upon a remote lake. Crashing Waves on Rocky Point -- Take a break and walk along a jagged coastline as you listen to the powerful, yet exhilarating, crash of waves against the rocks. Forest Rain -- Relax to the steady tapping of refreshing mountainas it pelts the den

Nature Sounds

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

Nature Sounds

Image by Emma-O Productions
Nature Sounds

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