Monday, September 9, 2013

Sound Conditioner Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine, Model ASM1002 Reviews

Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine, Model ASM1002

Description :

The Ecotones family of Sleep Sound Machines from Adaptive Sound Technologies is designed to provide the most realistic, natural sound environment possible to help people relax and sleep better at night. Each device includes ultra-high quality natural sound recordings for the most realistic listening experience. They use ASTI's patented Adaptive SoundTM Technology that listens and responds to background disturbances. The Ecotones family delivers a relaxing and peaceful environment wherever it is needed.Get a better night's sleep, the natural way, with the Ecotones SOUND+SLEEP machine. For roughly the same amount you'd spend for a month's supply of sleeping medication, SOUND+SLEEP provides high-quality, natural sound compositions to help you

Sound Conditioner

See Features Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine, Model ASM1002 to avoid disappointment

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Relaxing Hair Dryer Sound in a Dim Lit Room (ASMR White Noise)

Relax with unlimited hours of sound by adding this video to your playlist (with the "Autoplay" option on) and it keeps looping automatically. Also, you are w...Sound Conditioner

the rack
Sound Conditioner

Image by sfegette
Drew asked for it- hover the image for the specifics. The laptop (MBP 17") is the master controller (and my main laptop), and my home desk/rack is configured mostly for audio eng work (sampling, cleaning, mastering etc), basic project studio & scoring work. The MBP controls a slaved dual G4 with 2x TC electronics DSP processor cards (well offscreen) that controls the 2408mkII audio and microlite midi interfaces in this rack. It all gets piped through the ultralite audio interface (attached to the macbookpro), which along with a Novation ReMOTE SL 61-key control surface/master keyboard offscreen serves as the master mixer for the entire room (6.1, natch). The funky JVC NTSC monitor is intended for looping/scoring projects, but mostly plays either videos from the iPods or games on the Xbox/PS2 these days.

The analog audio chain (QV/comp/exciter) is really just for stroking the ego of vocal talent - I sidechain vocal tracks off thru these outboard effects before the headphone amp so I can record vox clean and add effects in the digital domain later as needed (plus, analogs don't consume CPU).
In a nutshell- make 'em sound all pretty in the cans without wasting digital horsepower :)Sound Conditioner

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