Tuesday, March 26, 2013

muscle milk vs whey protein Why " MUSCLE MILK " Is A Neuro-Toxic Soup Of Processed Crap! ufc wec mma Info

Muscular Development Store Says, “Use Whey Protein to Muscle Up”
Since whey protein is easy for the body to absorb and digest, the article recommends it as a post-workout supplement, saying that it should be consumed by athletes “within 30 minutes after a workout to supply your muscles with amino acids.” Stack warns ... muscle milk vs whey protein
Read more on DigitalJournal.com (press release)

Why " MUSCLE MILK " Is A Neuro-Toxic Soup Of Processed Crap! ufc wec mma

This clip has been rebroadcast with permission from Sean @ http://www.undergroundwellness.com Read Russell Blaylock's book Excitotoxins More articles: http:/...muscle milk vs whey protein
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