Monday, March 25, 2013

best protein shake for women Lose Weight with Protein Shakes?!?--The TRUTH About Protein Shakes For Women Info

Vegetarian Body Builder Power Lifting champion Bill Pearl - Plant Based Protein Muscle Diet as in The China Study - Non Paleo - You were saying
best protein shake for women

Image by Vegetarian-Vegan-Bodybuilding-Info
Vegetarian Body builder Bill Pearl. "The Original" PowerLifter. Five-Time Mister Universe. Huge massive strength using higher-quality tougher plant based human muscle.

Vegetarians are stronger and have higher-quality tougher muscle. Think about it, a Lion is your typical carnivore yet lions are "feline" which is feminine. Lions get tired easily, become exhausted under the slightest effort, and then have to sleep up to 20 hours a day. Male lions don't even mainly hunt, hunting is done by ladies. When it comes to carnivores like lions, hunting is the job done by women, the job of female lions. The males are too exhausted and grow fatigued and then get tired and fall asleep after eating. Think about it, their eating meat makes them tired and they fall asleep, the food doesn't make them have more Energy.

Lions slink around, they're cats, which are carnivores. When it comes to muscle, lions are large in terms of cats, but are soft. Their muscles are soft, not ripped, or packed solid. Hardly any definition like a horse. Yes, even a horse has more definition and muscle than a lion. And remember, to give you an idea, what do we use to measure when we think of something with a lot of Power today? What do we use as the prime defining measure of a car engine that is immensely powerful? HORSE-POWER. Yes, that's right! We don't say how many 'lion powers' is your engine? It'd be silly. Because lions, which are carnivores aren't very strong or powerful.

Rhinos are vegetarian. A rhinoceros can lift up and flip an entire jeep! A lion can't even lift a car. Ever see one? Picture it. You probably can't even see how it would even do it. It'd probably sniff it, paw pat it, or bite at it. Then lope away. Whereas a Rhino has 100% plant-based muscle and is so strong it could bull-ram that entire vehicle and dent it, and lift it and flip it over.

Even a cow is stronger. Bulls are cows. Even a bull's neck muscles are so strong it can lift up a car or truck. The strongest land animal on the face of the earth is the Elephant. It grows to 12-24,000 pounds on plant based protein. Pretty good for the myth that there's no protein in plants. There's protein in plants. In fact, plants have more protein in them, than meat. This often dumb-founds lesser-educated steak eaters. Somehow this fact stupefies the meat-eaters brain. They falsely believe that meat is 'a protein', that steak contains protein, and that there's no protein in plants. It's funny! So they have no idea what to do when you tell them that an elephant grows to 12 to 24-thousand pounds full of protein, from the protein in plants. It eats plants. It eats protein. It has muscle. Not only some, but it's the very definition of the most-powerful animal on the face of the planet. And every ounce of its muscle protein came from plants. Meat-eaters often get dumbfounded by this.

What happens next, is they try to come up with *something*, some reason concocted to explain it, like there must be some way the elephant is inventing protein though some magic ability it must have, like 4-stomachs. You'll see that excuse given often. It's funny but no. Elephants aren't ruminants. Elephants have 1 stomach, like us! You can't use the phony 4-stomachs, ruminant, herbivore, whatever excuse here. These are merely dreamt up false dead ends thought up by meat-eaters because they can't figure out for the life of them that plants contain huge amounts of protein, even more than meat!

And it's REALLY funny, when you get them to say that they think steak is the utmost, highest, best, most ultimate form of protein!....And then you point out Thanks! You just admitted the best source of protein is Plants! - This is usually followed by..."Huh?? What?". You see...every molecule of that protein, in that steak that the meat-eater just praised himself was the ultimate, came from plants! Cows don't eat meat! So all that protein in a steak originated in plants to begin with!

The only difference is, steak-eaters are simply eating vegetarians' "sloppy-seconds". Vegetarians are getting it fresher, and with more nutrients, in its original form. Meat eaters are eating things that have been in an animal's mouth first. Essentially they put their food into the front of an animal, mixes it with the animals spit and whatever germs and bacteria are in its saliva and chewed up brownish green slime, then it sits in a stomach pouch where it smells awful, afterall, the stomach is the repository of vomit, then it comes out brown and semi-liquid from the other end. That's what a meat and steak eater is doing. Vegetarians are simply getting the same protein, but more fresh, more original, cleaner, and more pristine, with all the original nutrients and enzymes that are destroyed by meat.

This is why a chimp has the power and 10-times the strength of a man. And think about it, think if you took the biggest human meat-eater bodybuilder, which currently stands around 200-300 pounds or so, and do this...Put them in a cage. And send in a SILVERBACK GORILLA. A Silverback Gorilla weighs upwards of 400, 500, 800 pounds! A Gorilla could beat the living tar out of any human in a natural fight. It's far more muscular. It could rail and flap that meat-eater around like a rag-doll. Gorillas are vegan! They eat fruit! And...they aren't herbivores or grass-eaters, they have 1 stomach, they are not ruminants, they are primates, with digestive systems just like us, they have so-called canine teeth inches longer than ours (which are used for Defense, not eating meat), and they are far stronger, bigger, weigh more, and more physically athletic, they share more than 98% DNA identical to us, and they get all their protein from fruit and could mop the floor with any bragging meat-head that thinks you have to eat steak to obtain protein.

Meat-eaters don't know what to do after this. And then when you point out that virtually every single protein supplement in bodybuilding nutrition stores is vegetarian, they deny, refuse to believe, scoff, hem & haw, and then it's pointed out to them that all of the protein powders for building muscle are made from WHEY (which is lacto-vegetarian), ALBUMIN (which is ovo-vegetarian) and SOY PROTEIN (which is vegan!). There's also even Flax protein, Hemp protein, and more! There's no pork-shakes, jugs of blood, beef flavored protein bars, chickenpills, or protein drinks with pieces of fish floating in it. At about this point, a meat-eating bodybuilder who always believed that the best protein for building muscle came from meat, gets a look on their face like when a dog tilts its head and looks confused when it hears a funny sound. Then they get mad, because they just found out that virtually ALL of the very top ultimate protein sources even those used by nearly every bodybuilder...are VEGETARIAN!

Think about it.
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Three Best Protein Shakes at Power Full Nutrition
The three favorite protein shake flavors of owners Carla Schultz and Mark Hensch and a customer on a recent Tuesday were Cinnamon Roll, a vanilla flavor shake; the Cookie Monster, a cookies and cream shake; and Funky Monkey, a chocolate treat. best protein shake for women

Lose Weight with Protein Shakes?!?--The TRUTH About Protein Shakes For Women


Pure Protein Natural Whey Protein, Vanilla Cream Shake, 14 Ounce

Description :

Pure Protein Natural Whey Protein is a superior protein source, providing all of the essential amino acids needed for energy, vitality and strength.

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See Features Pure Protein Natural Whey Protein, Vanilla Cream Shake, 14 Ounce to avoid disappointment

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