Saturday, June 29, 2013

Alli Weight-Loss Aid Alli Weight Loss Aid Refill Pack - 120 ea Reviews

Alli Weight Loss Aid Refill Pack - 120 ea

Description :

Alli capsules work in your digestive system to prevent about a quarter of the fat you eat from being absorbed, to boost your weight loss and remind you when your fat intake is too high. It is an FDA approved weight loss aid that helps you lose more weight than dieting alone.

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See Features Alli Weight Loss Aid Refill Pack - 120 ea to avoid disappointment

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Alli Weight Loss Aid Orlistat 60mg Capsules, 90-Count Pack Fat Burner Trial Best 2008 Diet Pill. This is a Diet Pills Review for Alli. * Alli is the only FDA approved over-the- counter w...Alli Weight-Loss Aid
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Weight-Loss Study Pays People To Shed Pounds (PICTURES)
According to a recent American study, financial incentives can help produce great results when it comes to achieving long-term weight-loss goals. The Mayo Clinic in California offered to pay $ 20 per month to volunteers who lost an agreed amount of ... Alli Weight-Loss Aid
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Pure Protein 100% Whey Powder Frosty Chocolate 1 pound tub

Description :

Pure Protein 100% Whey Powder Frosty Chocolate is a delicious, fast-acting protein powder that provides all of the essential amino acids needed to help support lean muscle, energy, vitality, and strength. Packed with protein, each nutritious serving of Pure Protein 100% Whey provides a low fat, great-tasting treat that can help satisfy your appetite any time of the day.100 Percent Whey Protein PowderFrosty Chocolate (1 Pound)Pure Protein's Whey Powder is a fast-acting protein powder that provides all of the essential amino acids needed to help support lean muscle, energy, vitality, and strength.Great-Tasting Powder Provides ProteinPacked with 25 grams of protein, each nutritious serving of Pure Protein Whey Powder is a low-fat, great-tastin

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Muscular Development Magazine Suggests Gaspari Nutrition For Bodybuilding
Your body needs protein. After working out, it's recommended to consume protein because it will help maximize your muscle-building potential. This could be in the form of meat, eggs or a supplement like Gaspari Nutrition protein powder. Protein keeps ... pure protein powder
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VEGETARIAN is Worlds Biggest Bodybuilder on Plant Muscle Protein Diet Great Khali Eats No Meat
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Image by vegetarians-dominate-meat-eaters-01

Bodybuilders already know that meat is a horrible source of protein. All the smarter championship level Bodybuiders AVOID red meat. Think about it. Bodybuilding stores do Not sell beef powder, fish drinks, or chicken protein bars. ALL of the protein supplements for muscle building are whey protein, soy, or albumin egg protein, ALL Vegetarian.

Any person touting steak for protein or muscle is not educated on the subject of muscle building. Anyone attempting to erroneously say that plants dont contain protein for building muscle is not realizing that the steak they are touting came from a bull who grew to the massive size of 2,000 pounds of pure muscle, ALL from eating the protein in plants!

A Bull eating plant protein is also more muscular, stronger, and more massive than an obese male eating pieces of steak and hamburgers. Muscle from the protein in plants from a Vegetarian diet is stronger, more massive and higher quality muscle than that from meat. In addition meat is soaked with female hormones such as Estradiol, so men eating steak are juicing themselves with female hormones such as estrogen in Beef.

Eating pieces of meat makes you more feminine. Don't think there's feminine estradiol put in steak? Go look. Simply type "Estradiol Synovex Cattle" into google and you'll see premenstrual women's estrogenic hormones like synovex put into your steak that you've been gobbling at your barbeques. That's why men who eat lots of meat gradually become fat, rounded, with soft shoulders and wide hips and more effeminate. This is why Vegetarian men are more masculine and do not have this problem.pure protein powder

Friday, June 28, 2013

protein powder for weight loss NOW Foods Whey Protein Isolate Pure, 1.2 -Pounds Reviews

NOW Foods Whey Protein Isolate Pure, 1.2 -Pounds

Description :

Whey protein is considered to have the highest Biological Value of any protein source - superior in essential amino acid content to beef, milk, casein or soy.

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See Features NOW Foods Whey Protein Isolate Pure, 1.2 -Pounds to avoid disappointment

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Best Protein Powder: How to choose them?

Download my FREE E-book "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets to a Lean-Body" via this link: The Best Protein Powder is consi...protein powder for weight loss
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Close up of flower of Psidium guava, Guava ...Chụp gần hoa Ổi ....
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Vietnamese named : Ổi
English names : Guava
Scientist name : Psidium guava Linn.
Synonyms : Calyptropsidium O.Berg
Corynemyrtus (Kiaersk.) Mattos
Guajava Mill.
Mitropsidium Burret
Family : Myrtaceae. Họ Sim ( Đào Kim Nương )

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**** WIKI

Ổi ta (danh pháp khoa học: Psidium guajava) là loài cây ăn quả thường xanh lâu năm, thuộc họ Đào kim nương, có nguồn gốc từ Brasil.

Đặc điểm

Cây ổi nhỏ hơn cây vải, nhãn, cao nhiều nhất 10m, đường kính thân tối đa 30cm. Những giống mới còn nhỏ và lùn hơn nữa[1].
Thân cây chắc, khỏe, ngắn vì phân cành sớm. Thân nhẵn nhụi rất ít bị sâu đục, vỏ già có thể tróc ra từng mảng phía dưới lại có một lượt vỏ mới cũng nhẵn, màu xám, hơi xanh. Cành non 4 cạnh, khi già mới tròn dần, lá đối xứng[1].
Hoa lưỡng tính, bầu hạ, mọc từng chùm 2, 3 chiếc, ít khi ở đầu cành mà thường ở nách lá, cánh 5, màu trắng, nhiều nhị vàng, hạt phấn nhỏ rất nhiều, phôi cũng nhiều. Ngoại hoa thụ phấn dễ dàng nhưng cũng có thể tự thụ phấn[1].
Quả to từ 4 – 5g đến 500 – 700 g gần tròn, dài thuôn hoặc hình chữ lê. Hạt nhiều, trộn giữa một khối thịt quả màu trắng, hồng, đỏ vàng. Từ khi thụ phấn đến khi quả chín khoảng 100 ngày

Các giống ổi

Có nhiều giống ổi khác nhau: ổi trâu, ổi Bo, ổi xá lị có quả to nhưng kém thơm ngọt; ổi mỡ, ổi găng, ổi đào, ổi nghệ tuy quả nhỏ nhưng ngọt và rất thơm

Thành phần dinh dưỡng và hoá học

Quả và lá ổi đều chứa beta-sitosterol, quereetin, guaijaverin, leucocyanidin và avicularin; lá còn có tinh dầu dễ bay hơi, eugenol; quả chín chứa nhiều vitamin C và các polysaccarit như fructoza, xyloza, glucoza, rhamnoza, galactoza...; rễ có chứa axit arjunolic; vỏ rễ chứa tanin và các axit hữu cơ[3].
Hàm lượng dinh dưỡng trung bình trong 100 gam quả ổi: 1 gam protein, 15 mg canxi, 1 mg sắt, 0,06 mg retinol (vitamin A), 0,05 mg thiamin (vitamin B1) và 200 mg axit ascorbic (vitamin C). Hàm lượng vitamin C cao trong quả ổi hơn đáng kể so với trong cam[4]. Quả ổi cũng giàu pectin[5].
Theo một tài liệu khác, quả ổi chứa 77,9% nước, 0,9% protein, 0,3% lipit, 15 %cacbohydrat, 0,3% axit hữu cơ, 0,5 % tro, 0,03 mg% vitamin B1, 0,03 mg% vitamin B2, 0,2 mg% vitamin PP, 50 -60 mg% vitamin C[2]. Các loại đường trong quả ổi gồm 58,9 % fructoza, 35,7 % glucoza, 5,3 % saccaroza. Các axit hữu cơ chính là axit citric và axit malic[2].
Theo Bộ Nông nghiệp Hoa Kỳ ( )

Quả ổi, giống Apple Guava, tính theo 100 g phần ăn được
Năng lượng36-50 cal
Hàm lượng nước77-86 g
Xơ tiêu hóa2,8-5,5 g
Protein0,9-1,0 g
Chất béo0,1-0,5 g
Tro0,43-0,7 g
Carbohydrat9,5-10 g
Calcium9,1–17 mg
Phospho17,8–30 mg
Sắt0,30-0,70 mg
Carotene (Vitamin A)200-400 I.U
Axit ascorbic (Vitamin C)200–400 mg
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)0,046 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)0,03-0.04 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3)0,6-1,068 mg
Trong lá ổi có chứa 10 phần trăm tanin cùng các thành phần tương tự và 0,3 % tinh dầu (chủ yếu là caryophyllene, β-bisabolene, ngoài ra có aromadendrene, β-selinene, nerolidiol, oxit caryophyllene và Sel-11-en-4a-ol và eugenol), và cũng có thể có tecpen (axit oleanolic, axit ursolic)[7]. Vỏ cây chứa 25-30% tanin

Điều kiện sinh thái

Cây ổi lá xanh quanh năm, không chịu được rét, độ nhiệt -2 °C cả cây lớn cũng chết. Ngược lại ổi chịu đựng dễ dàng những độ nhiệt cao ở các sa mạc nếu đủ nước. Độ nhiệt thấp ví dụ dưới 18 - 20 °C thì quả bé, phát triển chậm chất lượng kém[1].
Ổi thích khí hậu ẩm, nếu lượng mưa hàng năm 1.500 – 4.000 mm phân bố tương đối đều thì không phải tưới. Bộ rễ của ổi thích nghi tốt với sự thay đổi đột ngột độ ẩm trong đất. Nếu trời hạn, mực nước ngầm thấp, ổi có khả năng phát triển nhanh một số rễ thẳng đứng ăn sâu xuống đất tận 3 – 4 m và hơn. Nếu mưa nhiều, mực nước dâng cao ổi đâm nhiều rễ ăn trở lại mặt đất do đó không bị ngạt.. Thậm chí bị ngập hẳn vài ngày ổi cũng không chết.
Ổi trồng được ở nhiều loại đất, pH thích hợp từ 4,5 đến 8,2. Ổi không sợ gió nhưng giống quả to lá to khi bị bão bị rách lá, rụng quả

Công dụng

[sửa]Làm thực phẩm
Quả ổi có thể được ăn tươi hoặc chế biến thành mứt đông hay đồ hộp nước ổi. Tuỳ theo từng giống ổi mà quả ổi chín có thể có vị ngọt hay chua.
[sửa]Làm thuốc
Các bộ phận của cây ổi như búp non, lá non, quả, vỏ rễ và vỏ thân đều được dùng để làm thuốc. Nghiên cứu dược lý cho thấy dịch chiết các bộ phận của cây ổi đều có khả năng kháng khuẩn, làm săn se niêm mạc và cầm đi lỏng[3].
Theo dược học cổ truyền, lá ổi vị đắng sáp, tính ấm, có công dụng tiêu thũng giải độc, thu sáp chỉ huyết; quả ổi vị ngọt hơi chua sáp, tính ấm, có công dụng thu liễm, kiện vị cố tràng; các bộ phận của cây ổi thường được dùng để chữa các chứng bệnh như tiết tả (đi lỏng), cửu lỵ (lỵ mạn tính), viêm dạ dày ruột cấp tính và mạn tính, thấp độc, thấp chẩn, sang thương xuất huyết, tiêu khát (tiểu đường), băng huyết...[3]
Các bài thuốc dân gian từ cây ổi được sử dụng ở Việt Nam, Trung Quốc, Hawaii, Trung Mỹ, Nam Mỹ, Caribe, Tây Phi...
[sửa]Công dụng khác
Vỏ cây được sử dụng trong quá trình thuộc da nhờ có hàm lượng tannin cao






Called guayaba in Spanish-speaking countries and goiaba in Brazil, guava is a common shade tree or shrub in door-yard gardens in the tropics. It provides shade while the guava fruits are eaten fresh and made into drinks, ice cream, and preserves. In the richness of the Amazon, guava fruits often grow well beyond the size of tennis balls on well-branched trees or shrubs reaching up to 20 m high. Cultivated varieties average about 10 meters in height and produce lemon-sized fruits. The tree is easily identified by its distinctive thin, smooth, copper-colored bark that flakes off, showing a greenish layer beneath.

Guava fruit today is considered minor in terms of commercial world trade but is widely grown in the tropics, enriching the diet of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics of the world. Guava has spread widely throughout the tropics because it thrives in a variety of soils, propagates easily, and bears fruit relatively quickly. The fruits contain numerous seeds that can produce a mature fruit-bearing plant within four years. In the Amazon rainforest guava fruits are much enjoyed by birds and monkeys, which disperse guava seeds in their droppings and cause spontaneous clumps of guava trees to grow throughout the rainforest.


Guava may have been domesticated in Peru several thousand years ago; Peruvian archaeological sites have revealed guava seeds found stored with beans, corn, squash, and other cultivated plants. Guava fruit is still enjoyed as a sweet treat by indigenous peoples throughout the rainforest, and the leaves and bark of the guava tree have a long history of medicinal uses that are still employed today.

The Tikuna Indians decoct the leaves or bark of guava as a cure for diarrhea. In fact, an infusion or decoction made from the leaves and/or bark has been used by many tribes for diarrhea and dysentery throughout the Amazon, and Indians also employ it for sore throats, vomiting, stomach upsets, for vertigo, and to regulate menstrual periods. Tender leaves are chewed for bleeding gums and bad breath, and it is said to prevent hangovers (if chewed before drinking). Indians throughout the Amazon gargle a leaf decoction for mouth sores, bleeding gums, or use it as a douche for vaginal discharge and to tighten and tone vaginal walls after childbirth. A decoction of the bark and/or leaves or a flower infusion is used topically for wounds, ulcers and skin sores. Flowers are also mashed and applied to painful eye conditions such as sun strain, conjunctivitis or eye injuries.

Centuries ago, European adventurers, traders, and missionaries in the Amazon Basin took the much enjoyed and tasty fruits to Africa, Asia, India, and the Pacific tropical regions, so that it is now cultivated throughout the tropical regions of the world. Commercially the fruit is consumed fresh or used in the making of jams, jellies, paste or hardened jam, and juice. Guava leaves are in the Dutch Pharmacopoeia for the treatment of diarrhea, and the leaves are still used for diarrhea in Latin America, Central and West Africa, and Southeast Asia. In Peruvian herbal medicine systems today the plant is employed for diarrhea, gastroenteritis, intestinal worms, gastric disorders, vomiting, coughs, vaginal discharges, menstrual pain and hemorrhages, and edema. In Brazil guava is considered an astringent drying agent and diuretic and is used for the same conditions as in Peru. A decoction is also recommended as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis and swelling of the mouth, and used externally for skin ulcers, and vaginal irritation and discharges.


Guava is rich in tannins, phenols, triterpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, carotenoids, lectins, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Guava fruit is higher in vitamin C than citrus (80 mg of vitamin C in 100 g of fruit) and contains appreciable amounts of vitamin A as well. Guava fruits are also a good source of pectin - a dietary fiber. The leaves of guava are rich in flavonoids, in particular, quercetin. Much of guava's therapeutic activity is attributed to these flavonoids. The flavonoids have demonstrated antibacterial activity. Quercetin is thought to contribute to the anti-diarrhea effect of guava; it is able to relax intestinal smooth muscle and inhibit bowel contractions. In addition, other flavonoids and triterpenes in guava leaves show antispasmodic activity. Guava also has antioxidant properties which is attributed to the polyphenols found in the leaves.

Guava's main plant chemicals include: alanine, alpha-humulene, alpha-hydroxyursolic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, alpha-selinene, amritoside, araban, arabinose, arabopyranosides, arjunolic acid, aromadendrene, ascorbic acid, ascorbigen, asiatic acid, aspartic acid, avicularin, benzaldehyde, butanal, carotenoids, caryophyllene, catechol-tannins, crataegolic acid, D-galactose, D-galacturonic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl octanoate, essential oils, flavonoids, gallic acid, glutamic acid, goreishic acid, guafine, guavacoumaric acid, guaijavarin, guajiverine, guajivolic acid, guajavolide, guavenoic acid, guajavanoic acid, histidine, hyperin, ilelatifol D, isoneriucoumaric acid, isoquercetin, jacoumaric acid, lectins, leucocyanidins, limonene, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, lysine, mecocyanin, myricetin, myristic acid, nerolidiol, obtusinin, octanol, oleanolic acid, oleic acid, oxalic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, pectin, polyphenols, psidiolic acid, quercetin, quercitrin, serine, sesquiguavene, tannins, terpenes, and ursolic acid.


The long history of guava's use has led modern-day researchers to study guava extracts. Its traditional use for diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other digestive complaints has been validated in numerous clinical studies. A plant drug has even been developed from guava leaves (standardized to its quercetin content) for the treatment of acute diarrhea. Human clinical trials with the drug indicate its effectiveness in treating diarrhea in adults. Guava leaf extracts and fruit juice has also been clinically studied for infantile diarrhea. In a clinical study with 62 infants with infantile rotaviral enteritis, the recovery rate was 3 days (87.1%) in those treated with guava, and diarrhea ceased in a shorter time period than controls. It was concluded in the study that guava has "good curative effect on infantile rotaviral enteritis."

Guava has many different properties that contribute to its antidiarrheal effect: it has been documented with pronounced antibacterial, antiamebic and antispasmodic activity. It has also shown to have a tranquilizing effect on intestinal smooth muscle, inhibit chemical processes found in diarrhea and aid in the re-absorption of water in the intestines. In other research, an alcoholic leaf extract was reported to have a morphine-like effect, by inhibiting the gastrointestinal release of chemicals in acute diarrheal disease. This morphine-like effect was thought to be related to the chemical quercetin. In addition, lectin chemicals in guava were shown to bind to E-coli (a common diarrhea-causing organism), preventing its adhesion to the intestinal wall and thus preventing infection (and resulting diarrhea).

The effective use of guava in diarrhea, dysentery and gastroenteritis can also be related to guava's documented antibacterial properties. Bark and leaf extracts have shown to have in vitro toxic action against numerous bacteria. In several studies guava showed significant antibacterial activity against such common diarrhea-causing bacteria as Staphylococcus, Shigella, Salmonella, Bacillus, E. coli, Clostridium, and Pseudomonas. It has also demonstrated antifungal, anti-yeast (candida), anti-amebic, and antimalarial actions.

In a recent study with guinea pigs (in 2003) Brazilian researchers reported that guava leaf extracts have numerous effects on the cardiovascular system which might be beneficial in treating irregular heat beat (arrhythmia). Previous research indicated guava leaf provided antioxidant effects beneficial to the heart, heart protective properties, and improved myocardial function. In two randomized human studies, the consumption of guava fruit for 12 weeks was shown to reduce blood pressure by an average 8 points, decrease total cholesterol levels by 9%, decrease triglycerides by almost 8%, and increase "good" HDL cholesterol by 8%. The effects were attributed to the high potassium and soluble fiber content of the fruit (however 1-2 pounds of fruit was consumed daily by the study subjects to obtain these results!). In other animal studies guava leaf extracts have evidenced analgesic, sedative, and central nervous system (CNS) depressant activity, as well as a cough suppressant actions. The fruit or fruit juice has been documented to lower blood sugar levels in normal and diabetic animals and humans. Most of these studies confirm the plant's many uses in tropical herbal medicine systems.


Guava, known as the poor man's apple of the tropics, has a long history of traditional use, much of which is being validated by scientific research. It is a wonderful natural remedy for diarrhea - safe enough even for young children. For infants and children under the age of 2, just a cup daily of guava fruit juice is helpful for diarrhea. For older children and adults, a cup once or twice daily of a leaf decoction is the tropical herbal medicine standard. Though not widely available in the U.S. market, tea-cut and powdered leaves can be obtained from larger health food stores or suppliers of bulk botanicals. Newer in the market are guava leaf extracts that are used in various herbal formulas for a myriad of purposes; from herbal antibiotic and diarrhea formulas to bowel health and weight loss formulas. Toxicity studies with rats and mice, as well as controlled human studies show both the leaf and fruit to be safe and without side effects.

Traditional Preparation: The fruit and juice is freely consumed for its great taste, nutritional benefit and nutrient content, as well as an effective children's diarrhea remedy. The leaves are prepared in a standard decoction and dosages are generally 1 cup 1-3 times daily.


Guava has recently demonstrated cardiac depressant activity and should be used with caution by those on heart medications.
Guava fruit has shown to lower blood sugar levels and it should be avoided by people with hypoglycemia.
Drug Interactions: None reported, however excessive or chronic consumption of guava may potentiate some heart medications.

**** WIKI


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Football: Jets-v-Eagles, Sep 2009 - 29
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Image by Ed Yourdon
Note: this photo was published in an Oct 4, 2009 blog titled "The Excessive Celebration Rule in College Football is Insulting to the Brain."

Moving into 2010, it was published in a Feb 2, 2010 blog titled "Poll: College Football Or The NFL." It was also published in a Jun 22, 2010 blog titled "Living with the what-ifs ." It was also published on an undated (Oct 2010) home page of the Ohio Attorney General's website. And it was also published in a Dec 3, 2010 blog titled "The best way for good teams to win close games." It was also published in a Dec 6, 2010 blog titled "Scoreboard: The Weekend in Seattle Sports."

Moving into 2011, the photo was published in a Jan 11, 2011 blog titled "National Championship." It was also published in a Jan 28, 2011 blog titled "Violation Alert: Cheering Against the Local Team." And it was published in a Feb 2, 2011 blog titled "I’m Going To Become A Freelance Writer … What Should I Do First?" It was also published in an Oct 15, 2011 blog titled "Football for Mommies." And in early Nov 2011, I noticed that it was used in the "banner" section of the "About" page of a blog titled Extra Benefits.

Moving into 2012, the photo was published in an undated (late Jan 2012) blog titled "Wheelchair Basketball Rules vs. Regular Basketball Rules." It was also published as one of several illustrations in an undated (late Apr 2012) Mashpedia article/blog titled "Football." And it was published in a Jul 23,2012 Fast Company blog titled "Want A Branding Challenge? Try Marketing An NFL Team," at www-dot-fastcompany-dot-com-slash-1843230/want-a-branding-challenge-try-marketing-an-nfl-team. It was also published in an Aug 7, 2012 blog titled "Shannon Eastin set to debut as first female NFL referee in Thursday game." And it was published in an Aug 15, 2012 Forbes blog titled "Using Replacement Refs Would Be A Disaster For The NFL," as well as a subsequent Sep 21, 2012 blog titled "NFL, not replacement referees, to blame for poor officiating." It was also published in a Sep 28, 2012 blog titled "Deals Of The Week Looks For A Replacement." And it was published in an Oct 19, 2012 blog titled "Shreveport Bossier Area High School Football Schedule – October 19," as well as an Oct 19, 2012 blog titled "Watch NFL on your iPhone?"

Moving into 2013, the photo was published in a Feb 1, 2013 blog titled " The Super Bowl, Undercover Vegans, Horse Meat, and Celebrity Chefs. Done Vegan Style!" It was also published in a Feb 4, 2013 blog titled "Milwaukee beats San Francisco for Super Bowl audience." And it was published in a Mar 5, 2013 blog titled "Interflora Google Penalty, Advertorials & SEO Content Marketing."


I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that, until last night, I had never been to a professional football game in my life. Baseball, basketball, and tennis: yes, of course. High-school and college football games: sure, though that was a long time ago. Indeed, the last college football game I watched (in person) was in the mid-60s, when I was invited to the annual Harvard-Yale game by a Radcliffe student I had begun dating -- a development to which my MIT college roommate reacted, in shock, by howling, "Radcliffe? You're dating a Cliffie? She must be a pig!" After which he pulled out his flute, every time he thought she might be present when he returned to our off-campus apartment, and played "Old McDonald Had a Farm" until he collapsed in gales of laughter on the stairwell. Highly inaccurate, I hasten to note, and totally unfair. But I digress...

Anyway, a freelance writer, Mitch Ligon (whose photo you can see here in one of my Flickr sets), invited me to accompany him last night to the New York Jets - Philadelphia Eagles game out in the New Jersey Meadowlands -- another first-time experience. I was given a photographer's press pass, which gave me access to the locker rooms, press box, various other "inner sanctum" locations ... and, most important, the football field itself. I was given a red jersey to wear, told to stay outside the yellow dashed lines that ring the field, and turned loose for the evening. I felt somewhat inadequate, because I knew that the "real" professional photographers would be equipped with high-cameras and monstrous telephoto lenses beyond anything I had ever touched, or could possibly afford; and even though my Nikon D300 and 70-300mm zoom lens is fairly respectable in amateur circles, I had no idea if I would be able to take any decent photos at all...

The other problem is that I know little or nothing about the nuances of football, beyond the obvious fact that the quarterback either passes the ball, or hands off to someone who attempts to run the ball downfield. Punts and field-goal kicks are also a familiar concept, but if you don't have a good anticipatory sense of who is about to do what to whom, it's easy to miss the "moment" when the perfect shot might be available. Also, I didn't really know anything about the players, aside from the respective star quarterbacks: Philadelphia's controversial Michael Vick, and New York's newly-named starting quarterback, Mark Sanchez. I had looked at the team rosters on the Internet before the game, so at least I knew their jersey numbers (#6 for Sanchez, and #7 for Vick, as you'll see in the photos) -- but the "action" was often so far away (at the other end of the field) that I couldn't tell whether the starting quarterback, or one of the substitutes, was making the plays.

Nevertheless, by the beginning of the second quarter I was feeling a little more comfortable -- if only because I found it easy to follow along behind the other professional photographers as they marched (or ran) from one end of the field to the other, in order to get their equipment set up for what they expected would be the next great shot. By the end of the game, I had taken 1,100+ photos, including several of Michael Vick in a post-game locker-room interview; and from the sound of the clickety-click-clack of my fellow photographers, I could tell that many of them had taken several thousand. I'll spare you the technical details of my feeble attempts to get some decent shots; I had picked up some good tips from the sports-photography chapter of Scott Kelby's Digital Photography, and I did my best within the limitations of my equipment and my lack of familiarity with the situation.

What impressed me most about the whole experience was the scale of modern professional football -- the scale of everything. It's one thing to read that there are 80,000 people in a football stadium; it's another thing to actually be there and hear the simultaneous roar of those 80,000 people as a quarterback is sacked or a long pass is completed. It's one thing to read that a professional football player is 6 feet, 5 inches tall and weighs 350 pounds; it's another thing to stand next to several dozen such giants. Heck, I thought there were only 20 or 30 such giants on each team; I had no idea that there were 64 of them (a number which will be pared down as the pre-season comes to an end), or that there might be 20-30 different coaches. And then there are the hundreds of "staff members" scurrying around all over the place, carrying out their various duties and assignments; and there are the security guards and State Police, who spent most of the time scanning the stadium crowd rather than watching the players, presumably watching for scuffles or fights or ... well, who knows what. There are cheerleaders too, in this case bearing the official name of New York Jets Flight Crew; I had expected half a dozen, but there were two dozen perky, long-haired beauties, with permanently frozen smiles, who who danced and pranced before the crowd at every conceivable opportunity.

All of this has resulted in the photos you'll see in this album. I had to delete roughly a hundred of my original images, because they were out of focus, or because a referee decided to walk in front of my camera at the wrong moment; and another 900 were "okay," but not terribly exciting. I'm sure that none of them are as crisp, sharp, and well-composed as those taken by the Sports Illustrated photographer and the other professionals on the field; but I did end up with 72 "keepers" that I hope you'll enjoy...

... and, yes, I probably will attend another football game or two in the years ahead. Whether I'm lucky enough to get down on the field again is anyone's tips from celebrities

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Penn Police shows little concern about string of robberies
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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BalanceFrom High Accuracy Digital Bathroom Scale with 4.3" Extra Large Cool Blue Backlight Display and "Smart Step-On" Technology [NEWEST VERSION] (Black)

Description :

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Escali Body Fat / Body Water Digital Bath Scale - Product Overview The BFBW200 bathroom scale features advanced digital weighing technology that provides a hig...Digital Bathroom Scale

Typical Bathroom in 1918
Digital Bathroom Scale

Image by UA Archives | Upper Arlington History
This bathroom, depicting a bathtub, sink, toilet, and scale, was an image used in a 1918 Norwester magazine advertisement for G. C. Glass Plumbing and the products they carried. The company was created in 1908 as Glass and McCollom Plumbing and is now considered the Grandview Heights business with the longest continuous operation in the community. The business is now simply known as Glass Plumbing.

This image available online at the UA Archives >>

View the related "Norwester" magazine advertisement at the UA Archives >>


Identifier: hinw14p030i02
Date (yyyy-mm-dd): c. 1918-12
Original Dimensions: 6.5 cm x 5 cm
Source: Norwester, December 1918, page 30
Original Publisher: Upper Arlington Community (Ohio)
Location/s: Upper Arlington (USA, Ohio, Franklin County)
Repository: Upper Arlington Historical Society
Digital Publisher: Upper Arlington Public Library, UA Archives

Credit: UA Archives - Upper Arlington Public Library (Repository: UA Historical Society)Digital Bathroom Scale

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

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Kim Kardashian Lifestyle, Exercise Obsession Catches Up to Her
Kim has made a business out of her yo-yo weight gains and losses and has for years endorsed a high-caffeine diet pill. She's being sued for misrepresenting the pills. Let's hope she's not taking them while pregnant. Be sure to follow Celebrity Health ... celebrity health and fitness
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Narrowleaf Cattail, Lesser bulrush, Typha angustifolia....Cỏ Nến lá hẹp, Bồn bồn, Thủy Hương......#4
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Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Chụp hình ngày 19-9-2010 tại Thủ Thiêm, thành phố Hồ chí Minh ( Saigon ), miền Nam Việt Nam.

Taken on September 19, 2010 in Thu Thiem, Ho chi Minh city ( Saigon ), Southern of Vietnam.

Vietnamese named : Cỏ nến lá hẹp, Bồn bồn - Thủy hương.
Common names : Lesser Bulrush, Massette à Feuilles Étroites, Narrowleaf Cattail, Small Reed Mace.
Scientist name : Typha angustifolia L.
Synonyms : Typha angustifolia L. var. calumetensis Peattie , Typha angustifolia L. var. elongata (Dudley) Wiegand.
Family : Typhaceae – Cat-tail family
Group : Monocot
Duration : Perennial
Growth Habit : Forb/herb
Kingdom : Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision : Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division : Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class : Liliopsida – Monocotyledons
Subclass : Commelinidae
Order : Typhales
Genus : Typha L. – cattail
Species : Typha angustifolia L. – narrowleaf cattail.

Tên Khoa học: Typhaceae
Tên tiếng Anh:
Tên tiếng Việt: Cỏ nến (Hương bồ, Thủy hương, Bồn bồn)
Tên khác:

Typhaceae Juss. 1789

Cây thảo có thân rễ, mọc ở đầm lầy, lá hình dải. Cụm hoa mang các hoa dày đặc, hình trụ dạng cây nến, khi chín màu nâu đen. Hoa đơn tính, thụ phấn nhờ gió; bao hoa nhiều dạng vảy, dài; nhị 2 –5 , bao phấn dài, dính gốc. Hoa cái chỉ có bầu 1 ô. Quả bế có lông (Hình 11.126).

Thế giới có 1 chi, 15 loài, phân bố ở Toàn cầu chủ yếu ở nước.

Việt Nam có 1-3 loài

Phân loại: Cùng với Sparganiaceae tạo thành một bộ tách biệt. Mối quan hệ họ hàng không rõ, có thể tạo thành một nhóm tiến hoá độc lập từ tổ tiên nào đó giống như Commelinaceae hiện nay.



Cỏ nến lá hẹp, Bồn bồn - Thủy hương - Typha angustifolia L., thuộc họ Cỏ nến - Typhaceae.

Mô tả: Cây mọc ở đầm lầy, sống nhiều năm, có thân rễ bò, thân đứng cao 1-2 m. Lá đứng, hẹp dài 30-60cm, rộng 4-10mm; cứng, gốc có bẹ ôm thân. Bông đực trên bông cái hình cây hương; hoa trần; hoa cái có lông mảnh trên trụ nhụy dài, có hoa lép, hoa đực có phiến hoa như sợi, thường có 3 nhị. Quả bế nhỏ, dài.

Thường ra hoa vào tháng 3-7.

Bộ phận dùng: Phấn hoa - Pollen Typhae, thường có tên là Bồ hoàng.

Nơi sống và thu hái: Cây mọc ở ruộng, đầm lầy, ven sông rạch nước ngọt, có khi tạo thành đám rộng, còn gặp trên bùn có nước lợ. Người ta cũng thu hái hoa, nghiền ra lấy phấn hoa.

Thành phần hoá học: Trong phấn hoa có n-pentacosane, acid béo.

Tính vị, tác dụng: Bồ hoàng có vị ngọt, tính bình; dùng sống thì có tác dụng hoạt huyết, hành ứ, lợi tiểu, sao giòn thì có tác dụng thu sáp, cầm máu.

Công dụng, chỉ định và phối hợp: Ngó và lá non muối làm dưa chua ăn ngon. Có thể lấy ngó non luộc ăn, nấu canh hay xào ăn. Hạt chà sạch vỏ dùng nấu cháo ăn như kê. Lông ở hoa cái dùng làm gối đệm. Còn phấn hoa dùng làm thuốc chữa kinh nguyệt bế sinh đau bụng, đau ngực, thông tiểu tiện (dùng sống), trị ho ra máu, chảy máu cam, đái ra máu (sao đen). Liều dùng 5-8g.

Bồn bồn còn có tên là Thủy hương (thủy: nước; hương: cây nhang) vì hoa trông giống hình cây nhang cắm ở dưới nước. Tên khoa học của bồn bồn là Typha angustifolia, thuộc họ Typhaceae. Bồn bồn thường mọc hoang ở vùng đất thấp, có nhiều phèn mặn thuộc họ lau sậy, mọc trên nước, rễ thả nổi như rau muống, lá dài giống sả, có khả năng chịu ngập sâu đến 1m. Mùa hái bồn bồn bắt đầu từ tháng 6 đến tháng 11 (mùa nước nổi). Đi hái bồn bồn chỉ cần cầm ngọn lôi ra, tước phần lá ở ngoài, bẻ lõi màu trắng bên trong thế là có phần bồn bồn ngon lành sẵn sàng để chế biến thành nhiều món ngon. Cây cỏ hoang dại này một thời gian làm vướng bước chân của những người mở đất, bởi nó cùng với cỏ năn mọc… cạnh tranh với cây lúa nước. Muốn có diện tích trồng lúa, những người xuôi phương Nam về vùng tận cùng của tổ quốc phải phá bỏ bồn bôn, cỏ năn để trồng lúa. Đây là loại cây có nhiều nhất là ở Cà Mau, Bạc Liêu… Những năm gần đây, cây bồn bồn được người dân miền Tây trồng nhiều để làm dưa hay bán tươi nên dần trở thành một đặc sản nổi tiếng và là loại cây “xóa đói giảm nghèo” của các địa phương này.
Ngoài việc làm dưa chua, phần tươi non của cây bồn bồn (thân, lá, gốc) được chế biến thành nhiều món ăn dân dã rất ngon như: xào tôm thịt, nấu canh chua, nấu lẩu chua, làm gỏi, nấu canh dừa…
“Gió đẩy gió đưa bông bồn bồn rụng trắng / Thương em một đời dải nắng dầm mưa” Đó là một câu hát giao duyên mộc mạc của Đất Mũi Cà Mau, cây bồn bồn cũng mộc mạc như vậy.
Sau đây là một số món ăn từ bồn bồn:
1.Dưa chua bồn bồn
Độc đáo nhất là món dưa chua bồn bồn. Không những được thưởng thức tại chỗ, món dưa chua bồn bồn còn theo chân du khách về làm quà người thân trên khắp mọi miền đất nước. Dưa chua bồn bồn làm khá đơn giản nhưng lại rất ngon. Trước hết phải chọn phần non trắng của bồn bồn, dùng dao nhọn bén chẻ làm hai hoặc tư tùy độ lớn của ruột bồn bồn. Sắp bồn bồn vào hũ, pha muối và đường vào nước vo gạo. Sau đó, đổ hỗn hợp này ngập kín bồn bồn rồi đậy chặt hũ lại, khoảng vài ngày là ăn được.
Dưa bồn bồn có thể biến tấu thành những món ăn với cơm nóng không chê vào đâu được. Chỉ cần khử ít dầu cho dưa bồn bồn vào xào, nêm gia vị vừa ăn là được. Khác với cá kho măng, cá kho chuối, cá kho dưa bồn bồn có vị bùi, ngọt, nấu càng kỹ vị chua của dưa sẽ mất dần, thịt cá không tanh, mềm mà không nát. Đặc biệt kho cùng tép tạo nên một hương thơm riêng biệt và một sự hài hòa về màu sắc. Không hề có vị gắt, bồn bồn vừa chua chua, vừa ngậy ngậy, bùi bùi.
2.Bồn bồn nấu canh dừa
Bồn bồn lựa phần non trắng rửa sạch. Phần gốc cắt khúc chẻ đôi, phần thân và lá cắt khúc vừa đũa gắp. Vắt một chén nước cốt dừa để sẵn. Cho phần gốc bồn bồn vào nồi. Lược lấy nước dừa dão cho vào ngập xâm xấp bồn bồn, nấu sôi vừa chín tới (dùng nước dão vừa đủ, nhiều quá sẽ mất ngon!). Kế đến, cho phần thân, lá bồn bồn vào, nấu chín. Tắt lửa, nêm nếm cho vừa khẩu vị. Sau cùng, đổ nước cốt dừa đậm đặc vào, đảo đều, nhắc xuống. Thế là xong!
Bữa ăn đã sẵn sàng. Cơm nóng bới ra chén. Gắp một miếng bồn bồn nấu canh dừa nhai chậm rãi, sau đó húp một muỗng canh… Vị ngọt, béo của nước cốt dừa hòa lẫn vị giòn tan của bồn bồn… thật là “đưa cơm”. Ăn món canh này với các món mặn như: tép rang, cá kèo kho tộ, hay ba khía trộn chanh, tỏi ớt nữa thì thật đậm đà!
3.Bồn bồn nấu canh chua
Bồn bồn còn được dùng để nấu canh chua. Vị chua của bồn bồn vốn đã thơm ngon lại càng thơm ngon và ngọt khi nấu với cá ngác, cá rô.
Đã từng ăn canh chua cá bông lau, cá ba sa, cá dứa nấu với me tươi hoặc me muối, ta đã không thể không buột miệng khen ngon. Thì khi các loại cá này được nấu với bồn bồn, dứt khoát nồi canh chua đó sẽ trở thành “nỗi nhớ” mãi mãi cho những ai đã từng “lỡ” một lần ăn!
4.Bồn bồn chua xào tôm, thịt
Tôm sú bóc vỏ, chừa lại vỏ đuôi, ướp với ít nước mắm
Thịt ba rọi rửa sạch, thái lát vừa ăn, ướp với ít đường
Bồn bồn ngâm chua rửa sạch, bỏ bớt phần cọng già, thái khúc vừa ăn. Hành lá rửa sạch, thái khúc
Đun nóng dầu ăn, phi thơm tỏi băm, cho thịt ba rọi vào xào săn, trút tôm vào xào cho tôm vừa đổi màu, cho bồn bồn ngâm chua vào đảo đều, nêm hạt nêm, nước mắm, đường cho vừa ăn, xào thêm 3 phút cho thấm, trút hành lá vào đảo đều, tắt lửa
Dọn ra đĩa, dùng kèm với cơm.

5.Bồn bồn làm gỏi
Cách làm cũng không khó nhưng đòi hỏi phải công phu và tỉ mỉ. Dưa bồn bồn rửa sạch, xong tướt nhỏ, trộn chung với tỏi, ớt, đường. Đơn giản vậy thôi mà cũng hội tụ đủ các vị chua, cay, mặn, ngọt. Có thể kết hợp với nhiều nguyên liệu khác như tôm đồng, tép để tăng thêm hương vị đậm đà. Dưa bồn bồn trộn dùng để làm mồi nhậu lai rai nhưng cũng là món rất “bắt” cơm.
Thẻ:bon bon nau canh dua, bon bon xao tom thit, cam nang bac lieu, cẩm nang du lịch bạc liêu, cẩm nang du lịch cà mau, canh chua bon bon, cay bon bon, dưa chua bồn bồn, goi bon bon, Đặc sản Bạc Liêu, Đặc sản Cà Mau




Description: This native perennial plant is 3-7' tall and unbranched, consisting of a flowering stalk and 4 or more leaves. The flowering stalk is light green to green, glabrous, stiff, and round in cross-section (terete). The leaves are 1½–6' long and up to ½" across. They are green, glabrous, linear, and rather stiff. Relative to the flowering stalk, the leaves are ascending to slightly spreading; the originate from the base of the plant. The inner side of each leaf is flat to slightly concave, while the outer side is convex (plano-convex). Leaf venation is parallel. The base of each leaf is wrapped in a sheath. The stalk terminates in a spike of pistillate flowers and a spike of staminate flowers; the staminate spike is above the pistillate spike and they are separated from each other by at least ½" (usually a few inches). The staminate spike is narrowly cylindrical and densely packed with staminate flowers and abundant hairs; each staminate spike is up to 8" long and ½" across. Each staminate flower bears a single grain of pollen. The pistillate spike is cylindrical and densely packed with pistillate flowers and abundant hairs; each pistillate spike is up to 12" long and ¾" across. Each fertile pistillate flower has a stipe that is less than 1 mm. long and its bears a single achene with a slender style. There are also infertile pistillate flowers that lack achenes. The staminate spike is light yellow to light brown, while the mature pistillate spike is brown or reddish brown. The staminate spike quickly withers away after shedding its pollen, while the pistillate spike persists into the fall. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-summer. Pollination is by wind. The root system consists of rhizomatous rootstocks and fibrous roots. Vegetative colonies are often formed.

Cultivation: The preference is full sun, wet conditions, and muddy soil. Narrow-Leaved Cattail is an emergent aquatic that tolerates water up to 1' deep. Drought is tolerated if the soil remains moist. This plant can spread aggressively in suitable habitats.

Range & Habitat: Narrow-Leaved Cattail is a common plant in most areas of Illinois; it is less common in southern and NW Illinois. However, official records undoubtedly underestimate the distribution of this plant within the state. In addition to North America, Narrow-Leaved Cattail occurs in South America, Eurasia, and Africa. At one time, this plant was relatively uncommon in Illinois, but it has become increasingly common. In some areas, Narrow-Leaved Cattail is even more common than Typha latifolia (Common Cattail). Habitats include marshes, edges of ponds and rivers, and ditches. Narrow-Leaved Cattail is often the dominant plant in a wetland area; sometimes it is codominant with Common Cattail. It tolerates severe degradation of wetlands and is sometimes the last wetland species to survive. It also occurs in less disturbed wetlands, where it may be invasive and displace other plant species.

Faunal Associations: The caterpillars of various moths feed on cattails (including the leaves, stalks, flowers, and developing achenes). These species include Simyra henrici (Henry's Marsh Moth), Limnaecia phragmitella (Shy Cosmet), Dicymolomia julianalis (Pyralid Moth sp.), Bellura obliqua (Cattail Borer Moth), and other Bellura spp. The starchy rootstocks are an important source of food for muskrats. To a lesser extent, the Canada Goose and other geese feed on the rootstocks. Dense stands of cattails provide cover for many species of wetland animals, and their leaves provide nesting material for some species of wetland birds. These wetland birds include the Marsh Wren, Yellow-Headed Blackbird, Red-Winged Blackbird, Common Moorhen, American Coot, various rails, and bitterns.

Photographic Location: A drainage ditch in Savoy, Illinois.

Comments: Many members of the public will recognize this species as a cattail; however, they may be less aware of the fact that there are two cattail species in Illinois. Because the characteristics of Narrow-Leaved Cattail and Typha latifolia (Common Cattail) overlap and they sometimes hybridize, it can be difficult to identify a specimen plant in the wild. The hybrid plants are referred to as Typha × glauca (Hybrid Cattail) and it has characteristics of both parents. Generally, Narrow-Leaved Cattail has narrow green leaves (up to ½" across) and pistillate spikes that are up to ¾" across and 1' long. Its pistillate spike and staminate spike are separated from each other by at least ½" (usually a few inches). In contrast, Common Cattail has green to greyish blue leaves that often exceed ½" across and its pistillate spikes are larger in size (often exceeding ¾" across and 1' in length). The pistillate and staminate spikes of Common Cattail are adjacent to each other, or they are separated by a distance of ½" or less.

Am J Bot. 2005 Jul;92(7):1161-9. doi: 10.3732/ajb.92.7.1161.
Genetic and clonal diversity of two cattail species, Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia (Typhaceae), from Ukraine.
Tsyusko OV, Smith MH, Sharitz RR, Glenn TC.
The University of Georgia, Institute of Ecology, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Drawer E, Aiken, South Carolina 29802 USA.
Genetic and clonal diversity vary between two closely related cattail species (Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia) from Ukraine. This diversity was calculated from microsatellite data. Forty-eight percent of the total variation was partitioned between species, which formed distinct clusters in a dendrogram with no indication of hybrid populations. Typha angustifolia had higher heterozygosity at the species (H(es) = 0.66) and population (H(ep) = 0.49) levels than did T. latifolia (H(es) = 0.37 and H(ep) = 0.29, respectively). The higher number of alleles in T. angustifolia may be indicative of larger effective population sizes due to its higher seed production. Clonal diversity of T. angustifolia was lower than that of T. latifolia (N(g)/N(r) = 0.40 and 0.61, Simpson's D = 0.82 and 0.94, respectively). Correlations between clonal and genetic diversity were higher for T. latifolia than T. angustifolia, suggesting that the importance of factors and their interactions affecting this relationship are different for the two species. Latitudinal and longitudinal trends were not observed in either species despite the large sampling area. Population differentiation was relatively high with F(ST) of 0.24 and 0.29 for T. angustifolia and T. latifolia, respectively. Weak isolation by distance was observed for T. latifolia but not for T. angustifolia.

Typha angustifolia L., ( also Lesser Bulrush or Narrowleaf Cattail or Lesser Reedmace), is a perennial herbaceous plant of genus Typha. This cattail is an "obligate wetland" species that is commonly found in the northern hemisphere in brackish locations.[1] The plant's leaves are flat, very narrow (¼"-½" wide), and 3'-6' tall when mature; 12-16 leaves arise from each vegetative shoot. At maturity, they have distinctive stalks that are about as tall as the leaves; the stalks are topped with brown, fluffy, sausage-shaped flowering heads. The plants have sturdy, rhizomatous roots that can extend 27" and are typically ¾"-1½" in diameter.[2][3]
It has been proposed that the species was introduced from Europe to North America.[4] In North America, it is also thought to have been introduced from coastal to inland locations.[5]
The geographic range of Typha angustifolia overlaps with the very similar species Typha latifolia (broadleaf or common cattail). T. angustifolia can be distinguished from T. latifolia by its narrower leaves and by a clear separation of two different regions (staminate flowers above and pistilate flowers below) on the flowering heads.[2] The species hybridize as Typha x glauca (Typha angustifolia x T. latifolia) (white cattail); Typha x glauca is not a distinct species, but is rather a sterile F1 hybrid.[6] Broadleaf cattail is usually found in shallower water than narrowleaf cattail.[citation needed]

Culinary use

Several parts of the plant are edible, including during various seasons the dormant sprouts on roots and bases of leaves, the inner core of the stalk, green bloom spikes, ripe pollen, and starchy roots.[7][8] The edible stem is called bồn bồn in Vietnam


^ "Typha angustifolia - narrow leaf cattail". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 2011-03-16.
^ a b Rook, Earl J. S. (February 26, 2004). "Typha angustifolia: Narrow Leaf Cattail". Retrieved 2008-09-13.
^ "PLANTS Profile for Typha angustifolia (narrowleaf cattail)". U. S. Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2008-09-13.
^ Stuckey, R. L.; Salamon, D. P. (1987). "Typha angustifolia in North America: masquerading as a native". Am. J. Bot. 74: 757.
^ Mills, Edward L.; Leach, Joseph H.; Carlton, James T.; Secor, Carol L. (1993). "Exotic Species in the Great Lakes: A History of Biotic Crises and Anthropogenic Introductions". J. Great Lakes Res. 19 (1): 1–54. doi:10.1016/S0380-1330(93)71197-1. Retrieved 2011-03-16. "The distributional history of the narrow-leaved cattail, a brackish water species native to the Atlantic coast, is debatable. The plant is thought to have invaded inland slowly with the early canal, railroad, and highway systems. It began a rapid inland expansion in through Central New York in the first half of the 20th Century when the de-icing of highways using salt became more widespread." The link is to a preprint of the published article; see p. 46.
^ Selbo, Sarena M.; Snow, Allison A. (2004). "The potential for hybridization between Typha angustifolia and Typha latifolia in a constructed wetland". Aquatic Biology 78 (4): 361–369. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2004.01.003.
^ Elias, Thomas S.; Dykeman, Peter A. (2009) [1982]. Edible Wild Plants. New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.. pp. 69–70. ISBN 978-1-4027-6715-9.
^ "Typha angustifolia - Small reed mace". Plants for a Future. Retrieved 2011-03-16.


Known HazardsNone known
HabitatsWater up to 15cm deep, avoiding acid conditions[17]. Often somewhat brackish or subsaline water or wet soil in America, growing from sea level to elevations of 1900 metres[270].
RangeThroughout the world from the Arctic to latitude 30° S, including Britain but absent from Africa.

Physical Characteristics

Typha angustifolia is a PERENNIAL growing to 3 m (9ft) by 3 m (9ft).
It is hardy to zone 3. It is in flower from Jun to July. The flowers are monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and are pollinated by Wind.It is noted for attracting wildlife.

Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. It prefers wet soil and can grow in water.

Pond; Bog Garden;
Edible Uses
Edible Parts: Flowers; Leaves; Oil; Pollen; Root; Seed; Stem.
Edible Uses: Oil.

Roots - raw or cooked[12, 13, 46, 94]. They can be boiled and eaten like potatoes or macerated and then boiled to yield a sweet syrup[183]. The roots can also be dried, ground into a powder and then used as a thickener in soups etc or added to cereal flours[62]. Rich in protein, this powder is used to make biscuits etc[183]. Young shoots in spring - raw or cooked[2, 12, 94, 159, 183]. An asparagus substitute[62]. Base of mature stem - raw or cooked[62]. It is best to remove the outer part of the stem[62]. Young flowering stem - raw, cooked or made into a soup[85, 94, 183]. It tastes like sweet corn. Seed - cooked[183]. The seed is very small and fiddly to harvest, but it has a pleasant nutty taste when roasted[12]. An edible oil is obtained from the seed[85]. Due to the small size of the seed this is probably not a very worthwhile crop. Pollen - raw or cooked. A protein rich additive to flour used in making bread, porridge etc[12, 105, 183]. It can also be eaten with the young flowers[85], which makes it considerably easier to utilize[K]. The pollen can be harvested by placing the flowering stem over a wide but shallow container and then gently tapping the stem and brushing the pollen off with a fine brush[9]. This will help to pollinate the plant and thereby ensure that both pollen and seeds can be harvested[K].

Medicinal Uses
Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.

Anticoagulant; Diuretic; Emmenagogue; Haemostatic; Lithontripic; Miscellany.

The pollen is diuretic, emmenagogue and haemostatic[176]. The dried pollen is said to be anticoagulant, but when roasted with charcoal it becomes haemostatic[238]. It is used internally in the treatment of kidney stones, internal haemorrhage of almost any kind, painful menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, post-partum pains, abscesses and cancer of the lymphatic system[222, 238, 254]. It should not be prescribed for pregnant women[238]. Externally, it is used in the treatment of tapeworms, diarrhoea and injuries[238]. An infusion of the root has been used in the treatment of gravel[257].

Other Uses
Biomass; Insulation; Miscellany; Oil; Paper; Soil stabilization; Stuffing; Thatching; Tinder; Weaving.

The stems and leaves have many uses, they make a good thatch, can be used in making paper, can be woven into mats, chairs, hats etc[13, 46, 57, 61, 94]. They are a good source of biomass, making an excellent addition to the compost heap or used as a source of fuel etc. The hairs of the fruits are used for stuffing pillows etc[46, 57, 159]. They have good insulating and buoyancy properties[171]. The female flowers make an excellent tinder and can be lit from the spark of a flint[212]. The pollen is highly inflammable and is used in making fireworks[115]. This plants extensive root system makes it very good for stabilizing wet banks of rivers, lakes etc[200].
Cultivation details
A very easily grown plant, it grows in boggy pond margins or in shallow water up to 15cm deep[17]. It requires a rich soil if it is to do well[17]. Succeeds in sun or part shade. A very invasive plant spreading freely at the roots when in a suitable site, it is not suitable for growing in small areas. Unless restrained by some means, such as a large bottomless container, the plant will soon completely take over a site and will grow into the pond, gradually filling it in. This species will often form an almost complete monoculture in boggy soil. The dense growth provides excellent cover for water fowl[1].

Seed - surface sow in a pot and stand it in 3cm of water. Pot up the young seedlings as soon as possible and, as the plants develop, increase the depth of water. Plant out in summer. Division in spring. Very easy, harvest the young shoots when they are about 10 - 30cm tall, making sure there is at least some root attached, and plant them out into their permanent positions.protein powder side effects

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