Sunday, June 16, 2013

celebrity health scares Celebrity Week In Review: Lindsay Lohan's Plea Deal, Lil Wayne's Health Scare ... Hot

Celebrity Week In Review: Lindsay Lohan's Plea Deal, Lil Wayne's Health Scare ...
Gwyneth Paltrow and Carnie Wilson also had health scares recently, with Gwyneth revealing she had a miscarriage during her pregnancy with her third child and Carnie confessing that she has Bell's palsy. Also this week, Katie Holmes says she might be ... celebrity health scares
Read more on Huffington Post

Barbara Walters Hospitalized!

Barbara Walters is recovering in the hospital after falling on a stair at the British Ambassador's residence on Saturday, Jan. 19. The TV veteran cut her for...celebrity health scares
Video Rating: 1 / 5

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